Le conseil d’administration de l’Université de Sherbrooke annonce aujourd’hui que Jean-Pierre Perreault dirigera l’Université de Sherbrooke à titre de recteur à compter du 1er juin prochain, et ce, pour un mandat de cinq ans. Le professeur Jean-Pierre Perreault est la 11e personne à occuper le poste de recteur dans l’histoire de l’UdeS depuis sa création […]
Lire la suitePhase 2 of the International Bar Association’s (IBA) global project addressing the lack of gender parity at senior levels across the law launched today as International Women’s Day (8 March) is commemorated around the world. The overall aim of the project is to achieve equal representation of men and women at the top of the […]
Lire la suiteLa juge Danielle Ferron est diplômée en droit civil de l’Université de Montréal et a été admise au Barreau du Québec en 1993. Avant sa nomination, la juge Ferron était associée au cabinet Langlois Avocats depuis 2011. Elle pratiquait le droit dans le domaine des litiges civils et commerciaux, notamment dans le cadre de fraudes […]
Lire la suiteThe International Bar Association (IBA) Legal Policy & Research Unit (LPRU) has launched the podcast series ‘Inspirational Legal Women’. The series encourages inspirational IBA members with interesting careers and remarkable stories to share their thoughts and experiences about what it means to be a woman in the legal profession and how they have navigated different […]
Read moreWhite genocide in South Africa ‘is clearly imagined and not real’, the country’s high court has ruled. The ruling came as part of a judgement to declare a bequest made in the will of a white South African man called Grantland Michael Bray to far-right organisation Boerelegioen (BL) invalid. Bray, who died in 2022, had […]
Read moreThe Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy, a cross-regional coalition of more than 30 human rights organizations, presented its Defender of Freedom Award to Professor Irwin Cotler, international human rights lawyer, legal scholar, former Canadian justice minister, and nominee for next year’s Nobel Peace Prize, for his renowned advocacy for political prisoners worldwide. Earning […]
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