An open lettre to President Trump
Dear Mr. President,
My dear Donald,
Being about the same age, I’ll be 80 soon, I take this opportunity to salute you as you are leaving the White House. Boy, you’re the champion bluffer. You used bluff to the very last minute. I command you for this. You never never despair, success is your rule. I approve. Not entirely, I must confess.
Now, as an observer, a Montrealer and Québécois, where you met your first wife during the 1976 Olympics, so i’m told, I have no beef or real grusdges against you as a person. In a way you prepared the USA for a real change. A brand new challenge. May you be remembered for this service you have rendered to the United States of Anerica. Your successor will greatly benefit from all your apparent failures and errors. History will probably remermber you as a pioneer. You’ll like that, I’m positive.
President Biden’s map is allk drawn. All he will have to do is to try to reunite Americans together.
Since 2016, you shook the Washington burocracy and international political and UN institutions. You did so also to your opponents, not enemies but adversaries. Your ways of governing did not always fit democracy in my humble opinion.
I have no ax to grind. You’ll have to face a lot of legal challenges. Both business and personal ones.
It’s up to you to decide how you will respond. You have not always been a fair and hoest businessman neither a President without sins.
Is America ready for a revolution ? I doubt that. Who is attacking the USA ? I wonder who. Do you know who is the enemy ?
At one point in 1973, I worked for a stint in Washington with then columist Jaxck Anderson at the end of the Nixon era. Nixon was so fed up with his investigative pieces, he wanted him to be…….you imagine what. Jack sued the Nixon Presidency and a settlement of about 4 million dollars was reached. Jack, a Mormon with 10 children from Bedesra, Maryland, created a Foundation (unlike your own) and gave that money away to teach journalists investigative proeduresd. He never benefited from this and Georgetown Unuiversity created a program they harbored to this day, I’m told.
It was said and proveen that Jack Anderson who had lived in China as a young cub reporter, an early army draft-dodger of the late forties, had been a CIA agent for a while. He confirmed that later un hs kufe after he retired with an incurable dIsease and passed about ten years ago.
Why mention Nixon ? Because I hope you’re not following this former President’s path.
May you and your family find peace and live to improve democracy in the world. Because the United States people are the most generous, and until recently one of the happyest people on earth.
The pandemic has creaed great challenges. You have responded with great force with the vaccines lab campaings that will save the world as in the 1950 when the BCF vaccine put the tubercuklsis era to death after millions of deaths in the USA,Europe, Canda and the world.
This efforts on your part will never be forgotten. With time it twill be balanced and will offset the more than 350,000 deaths caused by COVID19 now blamed upon your administration.
With my most respectful salutatioins and my very best wishes for the holidays and 2021.
André Gagnon, B.A.,LL.L.
Publisher and Editor
The Montreal Lawyer and Le Monde Juridique magazines.
P.S. Hope this will not be considered asa fake news.
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