Volume 1, numéro 3

Click here to read the latest issue of The Montreal Lawyer
Meet business lawyer Vincent Chiara, president of Groupe Mach. The most important privately-owned real-estate entrepreneur and industry leader of Montreal and Québec, by André Gagnon
Ian M. Solloway, 2014 recipient of The Lord Reading Law Society, Past Presidents’ Medal, by Suzanne Costom
Former Quebec Premier Pierre-Marc Johnson discusses mandate as Québec chief negotiator at the Canada-EU bargaining table
« An award from the Lord Reading Law Society is truly to be cherished », by Ian M. Solloway
Seven new hires bring their Real Estate and Financial Services expertise to Dentons Canada’s Montreal office
False beliefs about the detection of deception, by Vincent Denault
CASL Survival Guide Released to Help Businesses Prepare for Canada’s Anti-Spam Law Coming
Cross-examining an expert — Part II, by Richard M. Wise, FCPA, FCA, IFA, FCBV, FASA, MCBA, C.Arb
New Approach to Interpreting Fourth Amendment Protection Bolsters «Mosaic Theory» Says UM Carey Law Professor
Marcel Aubut joins BCF
Dentons Canada LLP confirms 46 new lawyers in total
Quebec judicial appointment
The Honourable Mr. Justice Clément Gascon
Note on the Supreme Court case of Union Carbide vs. Bombardier
United Nations Honors Family of Parker Ibrahim & Berg Partner Joe Lemkin
Government Successfully Settles Large Qui Tam Suit Brought, by Natalie Khawam
Ian M. Solloway re-elected Chair for a 6th consecutive term
Blind Chinese Dissident Wins Courage Award at Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy