Volume 2, number 2
Le Pamela McGovern, a 30-year seasoned litigator and former general counsel at Hydro-Québec, joins a businnes law boutique By André Gagnon
William B. Rosenberg, Senior Partner at Stikeman Elliott LLP, Begins Term as Chair of American Bar Association Business Law Section
Fraud Prevention and Detection By André Gagnon
22 Law Firms Launch Ally Law, a Global Provider of Legal Services
“The value of a beneficiary’s interest in a trust” — Part 1 By Richard M. Wise, FCPA, FCA, FCBV, FASA, C.Arb
The importance of forensic due diligence during a real estate acquistion By Sophie Lyne Zaretto, CPA, CA, CA-EJC, CFF, MBA, and Joseph Steben, CPA, CA, Forensic Accounting / Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services — Ernst & Young
Today’s Favourites Fancy Colored Diamonds By Olga Shevchenko, FGA
Lex Mundi Welcomes Two General Counsel to the Lex Mundi Client Advisory Council
Passing of Yvon Martineau, Great Jurist and Builder of Quebec Inc.
The protocol of protocols By Richard McConomy
Ian M. Solloway Le Mérite Discours
Full potential of Women Needs to be Utilised By Me Marie-José Nadeau, president of the World Energy Council
McMillan LLP, Haynes and Boone LLP and Guanes, Heisecke & Piera Enter into a Ground Breaking Relationship with IATA for Legal Services Across the Americas
McCarthy Tétrault Partner Stéphane Duval named President of CBA’s National Immigration Law Section
CPBO Honors Best Buy and Volunteer Lawyers Network for Their Decade-Long, Sustainable Collaboration
ITechLaw Elects 2015-16 Officers and Directors