Volume 2, number 3

In this issue of The Montreal Lawyer:
- Richard W. Pound An outstanding lawyer, intellectual and Olympian By André Gagnon
- Judgments in English: Quebec’s Reputation at Stake By Edmund Coates
- Obama and Lynch Address Debtors’ Prisons, the Central Issue in the IRP6 Case, Says Advocacy Group, A Just Cause
- What is this, gemstone treatments? By Olga Shevchenco
- Raymond Bachand, a strategic advisor at Norton Rose Fulbright, is awarded the 2015 Mayor’s Prize
- Real Estate: a fertile ground for fraud? By Corey Anne Bloom, CPA, CA, CA∙IFA, CFF, CFE
- “The value of a bene ciary’s interest in a trust” By Richard M. Wise, FCPA, FCA, FCBV, FASA, C.Arb.
- Library of Congress hosted Islamic Law Reform Program
- McCarthy Tétrault CEO Montreal lawyer Marc-Andre Blanchard named one of Canada’s Most Powerful Business People
- All That Holiday Music Can Only Mean One Thing: Santa Claus is coming to Town! What better gift to give than the gift of skiing?
- Paris attacks: UN of cial blames US, West & Israel; “They came to us because we went to them”
- Owning your .com address isn’t enough buy the other URLs, possibly including that new .law extension
- Moving Staff Close to Customers the Key to Selling Services in Global Markets
- SNC-Lavalin Avoids Federal Bidding Suspension
- RD Legal Funding, LLC Advances Funds To Attorneys With Delayed Fees In Vaginal Mesh Settlements
- Aubut launches law rm in Quebec City By André Gagnon
- Chrysalis Coaching & Consulting’s President Karen Carmody Featured Coach at Massachusetts Conference for Women
- How to Operate a Lean Practice